Just hours ago (16 September 2022) they put together a ‘defeating the Great Reset’ conference with important keynote speakers like Steve Bannon on the guest list.
It basically tells you where their head’s at. The so called “conservatives” I am talking about.
The “conservatives” who managed to ‘conserve’ exactly NOTHING in the western world (that’s why someone calls them ‘cuckservatives’) have this exact tendency: Their head is usually in the clouds. Especially the protestant ones.
They have this idea — this absolute fantasy which they probably gleaned out of Hollywood or those dumb evangelical sci fi movies, like the “Left Behind” series— that they will be up against the ‘New World Order’ soon and that they need to fight hard!
That’s right! They apparently have this hero fantasy complex where they’ll be fighting a gargantuan world government soon, and so they “better be ready”.
Unfortunately it hardly ever dawns on these people that they couldn’t even preserve marriage in their own jurisdictions and lost every culture battle that there was.
They were the ones sitting back like little children, yielding to the MICC (Military Industrial Congressional Complex) of the US deep state empire (which is not something ‘mysterious’ or ‘conspiratorial’ —it’s just the bureaucratic arm of the US MICC), supporting war criminals like the Bushes, in their illegal wars, to no end.
No, nevermind all those embarrassing losses, they are now picking up a fight with a nonexistent fantastic global entity which is supposedly all stacked up against them.
And that’s the thing, the damn conception is just that — a non-existent concept brought into the foreground by a psychotic moron, Clown Schwab, who apparently had (has) a job with the ‘WEF’ (World Economic Forum), an entity which is roughly associated with a dying (and I mean dying— these guys can’t even guarantee their electricity in the coming years) EU, and of course an out of control and (at the same time) an exhausted US.
And therein lies the key to all this. The poor “conservatives” can’t even figure out that the “New World Order” has been under their very noses for 80 years.
Schwab, the WEF, and the EU itself, are a conception of the US MICC. The MICC created the EU (see for example https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/04/27/the-european-union-always-was-a-cia-project-as-brexiteers-discov/) and it creates get-togethers like the WEF through various US corporations and NGO funding schemes (yes they use the USD to fund WEF). The schemes are simply American dollar based transactions for the overall control of the world (aimed for a tighter control over the ‘New World Order’ which has been around for such a long time already.)
Yes, the conservatives, never figured out that the “New World Order”, was simply the Americanist empire or Pax Americana. Note that I use the term ‘Americanism’ intentionally. It refers to the ‘separation of church and state”, a uniquely AmericanIST conception as it’s been explained to death in this channel and by others, e.g. see
The problem for the “conservatives” is that, not only is the ‘New World Order’ nothing new, but this NWO of the American empire is coming to an end, without the Great Reset. Because (and I don’t need to go into this) the American and EU economies are under attack by Russia and China along with other global south countries, like India. The only time that America can now influence the global system for its own benefit is if and when Hell literally freezes over (like Europe is going to freeze this winter).
They have no money left for the “Great Reset”. Their dollar is being attacked hard. They can’t afford to print and QE till Kingdom Come, because their economies are going to implode in as little as 1 to 3 years.
Russia and China ensure that that would happen.
The only way America can get out of this mess is to take down Russia and then China. That’s what this war in Ukraine is all about and that’s what the Taiwan escalations are about, and that’s what all the Azerbaijan and Armenia escalations are all about — that’s what the unrest in the Central Asia is all about. That’s what the Uyghur clown show is all about. We’ve explained all this before on this blog and in the Telegram Hoc Est Bellum channel.
This whole episode with Schwab at the helm was an opportunistic one where the US MICC / deep state used the opportunity of the introduction of Covid and its vaccine to bolster its dollar (as I have already explained in the link below) to take more control of the world economy. But the whole thing has blown up in their faces.
Their scheme was dead on arrival (no pun intended, and I am not referring to all those dead bodies after the US clotshot was taken)
Here are a few select posts from our Telegram channel (and from this substack site, including other references) which explain a lot of this hoo haa and explain exactly what is going on (as many of you will know, it’s simply Americanism).
Note that the extracts are not in chronological order, but in the order of most relevance…
22 July 2022 AD
Some really love intrigue and insist on having an all poweful "Antichrist" who is not a religious figure but a secular one.
Ok, let me make it more clear for you who the 'worldly' anti-Christ is, if you feel like calling it that.
Let's first have this definition:
America = American government, its elite, its intel agencies and its corporations-- companies such as BlackRock which control many others including the likes of downstream companies such as Pfizer et al, all expressed in foreign policy terms by the CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergs.
Now (the equal sign means, financially backed, sponsored, aided, abetted and instructed & ordered by...)
UN = America (almost entirely under the US control now including its agencies such as the WHO, or the OPCW -- Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which burried evidence showing that Syria did not use chemical attacks on Douma. This conspiracy was conducted on behalf of US, as uncovered by Aaron Mate through whistleblowers)
IMF = America
BIS = America
World Bank = America
NATO = America
EU and its financial infrastructure, the Troika = America
WEF = America
Globalism = America (Americanism)
Globalists = America, or Americanism's lackeys
"International Community" = America (these are all the US vassal countries, about 30 solid ones. Countries such as UK and the #BLV, etc. It's noteworthy that there are about 200 states in the world)
Western Mainstream Media = America (#RegimeMedia)
Moral of the story is: It's America stupid.
All this is enabled by the free printing of the USD.
Ukraine is essential to the survival of the USD and the survival of its hegemon backer. Ukraine was the first place where America was stopped in its tracks.
The end of the USD would completely destroy this structure.
For those 'flag bearers and wearers' and American sweet apple pie lovers who can't stomach any of these truths, and who still think that it's some scarry secret society in Europe dragging the poor US along with it, here's a little example link, which I repost below (and you didn't do a damn thing to prevent any of this-- you have no right to complain)
10 April 2022 AD
7 April 2022
28 June 2022
15 October 2021
So these people who are only now warning us about the "New World Order" — where were they all only a few short years ago? Where were they when we first raised these matters decades ago?
Yes, they were calling us "conspiracy theorists" and rejecting anything that we said to them about what was coming, the state of the world, and the state of the Vatican 2 "Church".
Now they pretend as though they were always warning the rest of us about this evil scheme.
Of course this is an evil scheme and an evil plan — but the evildoers hands' were forced because of countries such as Russia.
Given their multiple failures to effect the "end of history", the globalist morons rushed headlong into the abyss in 2019 and 2020 by releasing their virus and promoting their #injection , through their China dupes.
And herein lies the issue: _Russia and other countries_ is the issue.
The globo fascists will again be unsuccessful, and this is because THIS IS NOT A GLOBAL MOVEMENT, despite what these 'Johnny Come latelies' (people like Viganò and the novus ordo nun in the video above, Mother Miriam) will tell you (#MotherMiriam).
They simply don't understand that this is not about the West anymore, that the West is no longer "the world", that the dictates of the West will no longer apply and that Our Lord has already defeated it and we can all see the results everywhere (in fact the #Injection is a punishment which is a prelude to the major #chastisement).
A bankrupt country (and despite what many well meaning Americans think, the head of the "New World Order") the USA is not going to be able to usher in the "New World Order", no matter how hard it tries (if you don't believe that US was behind the move toward the New World Order and that it was "UN", then you simply haven't read enough history — just a quick reference to #Wolfowitz and his #EndOfHistory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfowitz_Doctrine)*
US and its vassals (the collective West's) existence is dependant on the #Petrodollar which is under heavy attack by the Russians, Iranians, Venezuelans and the Chinese.
This is just the last breath of a dying body - a corpse - before #TheWar finishes it off.
So it behooves these people who are now lecturing us about the "New World Order", to think about all this more carefully, and also to have and accept the grace to know that the #Vatican2 "Church" is not the Church— but we do not hold our breath.
Yes, we have to be ready: but not for a 'totalitarian world state' which will imprison and persecute Christians (not many of them left either), but for #TheWar— it can come at any time, and when it starts, it will be extremely short — it might take 2 weeks, or an hour.
We have been right about all that is happening for decades, we were proven right about the coming calamity after the 2017, after 100th anniversary of Fatima — see here: #BlackMassLaws), and we will be unfortunately proven right again in this case too.
Be in a state of grace, for when the war comes, time will be short.
* UN was really a US and an AngloAmerican creation, built on ground and land donated by the Rockefeller family, _in_ the US.
In relation to the #EndOfHistory post above, EU too was a US creation (note a mainstream article about this is surprisingly still available— see links below)
Here's one reference:
"The European Union always was an American project.
"It was Washington that drove European integration in the late 1940s, and funded it covertly under the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations….
"The Schuman Declaration that set the tone of Franco-German reconciliation – and would lead by stages to the European Community – was cooked up by the US Secretary of State Dean Acheson at a meeting in Foggy Bottom. 'It all began in Washington,' said Robert Schuman’s chief of staff[.]
"The key CIA front was the American Committee for a United Europe (ACUE), chaired by Donovan. Another document shows that it provided 53.5 per cent of the European movement’s funds in 1958. …
"Papers show that it treated some of the EU’s ‘founding fathers’ as hired hands, and actively prevented them finding alternative funding that would have broken reliance on Washington[.]
"There were horrible misjudgments along the way, of course. A memo dated June 11, 1965, instructs the vice-president of the European Community to pursue monetary union by stealth, suppressing debate until the 'adoption of such proposals would become virtually inescapable'. This was too clever by half, as we can see today from debt-deflation traps and mass unemployment across southern Europe."
#EuropeanUnion and #CIA
25 July 2022
The "NWO" (aka Ameicanism, or Pax Americana) is dead‼️
Iran*, China and Russia along with their cohort are dealing with the America which is the instigator and the source of the 'New World Order', its main power source and the mothership.
NWO started in 1943 with the Yalta conference in Tehran and 1944 Bretton Woods, and received a boost in 1972 with the mass printing of the USD. It ended in 2022 when American economy finally initiated its collapse.
NWO was simply about the American dollar and American power.
America was never the the victim of the nasties in the "NWO". It was its power generator. Globalism was its elites' idea. Americanists along with their CIA manipulated Vatican2 itself.
It was the Americanism which was so destructive, as Pope Leo XIII of happy memory warned in testem benevolentiae nostrae.
Whatever comes next, #NukeEchange as desperation of Americanists can know no bounds, or simply the Americanist empire going into the dark night, America's end came in 2022, with the backfiring of all the sanctions on America and Europe after the start of Ukraine War. Americanism just couldn't get past Ukraine. RIP
*Interestingly, at the time of Yalta, the then king of Iran, Reza Pahlavi (Shah of Iran) who was hosting the conference wasn't even allowed to enter the meeting which was held between Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill, as they did not even consider him to be their dog! These days it's not like that anymore, with the likes of Putin grasping Iran's Supreme Leader with both hands. My, how things have changed.
Putin with Khamenie and Raisi
Yalta with Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin
Roosevelt with the Young Shah
Americanism, image and link — http://jcrao.freeshell.org/Americanism.html
1 September 2022
🔥All this talk about the American dollar becoming digitized, misses an important point.
The whole purpose of the #USD is to act as the world reserve currency, especially in terms of an oil transaction exchange medium.
Digitizing it into a 'Fedcoin' will make it even more worthless than its declining current piece of paper status— backed by the US military — yes it will become less valuable than the #Petrodollar.
This is because digitizing it will encourage more countries to fully dump it‼️
There are many reasons why they would dump it — one important reason is the fact that America will have absolute control and oversight over their transactions. No sane country will let that happen in any way, shape or form.
If the US Federal Reserve is actually going to release such a piece of worthless digitized currency, then they have utterly lost their minds. Remember, #ReprobateMind❗️
1 June 2022
This is no surprise. I keep on telling the Westerners who only seem to have the western view in their heads, that the 'pandemic treaty' is dead on arrival because the Global South will not have a bar of it and its Americanist undertones.
Thankfully countries like Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran and Malaysia, and many African nations have slammed this Western piece of dirt down.
For the millionth time people, the New World Order is a 'has been' — it started in 1944 with Bretton Woods and it received a huge boost in 1972-74 with the delinking of dollar from gold and relinking of the dollar to oil sales by the Saudis and really, the MIC (Military Industrial Complex).
It's dead now. The "international community" (which is the anglosphere, Israel and some other vassals) fails repeatedly.
But people tell me that "they'll come back". Yeah 😏 I'll believe it when I see it.
Let them first overcome Russia...
7 April 2022
VERY WELL WRITTEN by an unbeliever and a non-Christian. Caitlin Johnstone does it again.
Novus Ordo "conservatives", eat your heart out:
"People lost their minds when President Biden uttered the phrase 'new world order' last month and were quickly informed by mainstream 'fact checkers' that this does not validate longstanding conspiracy theories about an elite agenda to create a one-world government. In reality, though, the real agenda to create a one-world government is not some hidden conspiracy involving secret societies and shadowy figures with Jewish surnames. The US empire is openly working to unite the planet under a single power structure which effectively functions as one government in many ways.
"[Virtually] every major international news story, underneath all the imperial narrative spin, is nothing other than the story of a giant US-centralized power structure working to incorporate more and more nations under its umbrella and smash any nation which refuses by any means necessary. Once you really see this you can never unsee it, because it tracks so consistently all across the spectrum. "
One more time for all those jumping up and down this morning with excitement over Killary Klinton's quip regarding keeping Russia out of the 'New World Order' — The 'New World Order' is simply the Americanist order that's been around since Bretton Woods in 1944, bolstered in 1972-74 with the de-linking of the dollar from gold, and its re-linking with the military and with oil (#petrodollar). Some might want to take the 'NWO' back to the American/French revolutions or even further back to the protestant DEFORMATION or the start of Usury in the West. Fine! But the point is that you've lived in it all your lives!! It's nothing new!
23 March 2022
All these people excited about the "New World Order" announcement by Biden.
For goodness' sake people!!
Let me rephrase what the fool is saying so may be the 'New World Order' people can understand:
"We've had a liberal world order since 1944 and Bretton Woods, and now we need to change because Petrodollar is being killed by Russia and China and we need a change because we still want to lead the world with Americanism. So we'll be fighting both China and Russia to make sure we come on top financially and economically and if we have to fight kinetically, we will."
So easy there with the 'UN one world government' and 'Georgia Guide-stones' garbage people!!
The thing that some VIPs and the 'NWO conspiracy is here' people don't understand is that the coming war will destroy all the global electronic and communications, and technological infrastructure. The fall out will destroy all chances of re-establishing many places for life, for decades. The whole 'NWO' thing will die with #thewar....in a way there will be an 'NWO' alright, but an NWO of suffering, fall-out, no agriculture, no food, no water, refugees from the developed world, and death.
So get ready for the real 'NWO'.
Link: https://www.rt.com/news/552434-biden-new-world-order/
29 March 2022
🔥🔥🔥They're in massive trouble‼️‼️‼️‼️
We're not a charity. Pay in Rubles (or gold) or go way.
Kremlin to (the dying) Europe
#PetroRuble vs #Petrodollar
#Ruble vs #USD
#31March #RubleDeadline
#Petrodollar #USD #VaccineWars #OBOR
#WW3 #WWIII #TheWar #Hotwar #EndofHistory
12 April 2022
The New World Order coming "after" World War 3 😂😂🤣
Oh brother...people just don't get it. Time for some more explanation.
A nuclear #WW3 will destroy almost everything (and any war between nuclear superpowers will more than likely escalate to a nuclear war quickly, within a week or two weeks; see the Ukraine escalation link (https://t.me/FatimaRussia/3031) )
The post WW3 world will NOT be an opportunity for the "New World Order" to take hold — and how many times do we have to explain this mythical phrase 😠 e.g. see #NewWorldOrder, #ThreeHundredYears & #Americanism
Unless it is limited to one discrete area or one continent (which is almost impossible) this #WWIII:
-will destroy almost all the communications, electronic and electrical infrastructure;
-will obviously destroy all the 4G, 5G, 6G, whatever;
-will destroy all IT infrastructure;
-will destroy all or most satellites (think #S500 | #S550),
hence it will destroy all electronic financial systems,
and there will be no financial system left that could be digitized.
Therefore there will be no technology left for any global 'digital ID system' to be used by a "World Government".
So, there will be nothing left for the 'Davos WEF' crowd to play with.
In fact the 'Davos crowd' will be largely gone too!! Those left will have no power because they will have no financial system to use as a basis for their power, and no crowds to use the financial system against (and most of those who remain will die from the effects of the fallout and radiation over the ensuing years.)
It will be the end of civilization people‼️ For at least a good few decades...
#EW #ElectronicWarfare #EMP
#WW3willDestroyAll (WW3 will destroy all)
21 July 2022
The morons in the western world have picked up on some comments made by Trump's vaccine propagater, Birx, who said that the virus effectively came ready made, to lay the blame at China's feet.
These damn stupid fools. They're just as bad as the anti-Russia neolib crowd, except from the right wing of the Americanist bird.
The evidence that the American government was involved in the creation of the spike protein IS ABSOLUTELY OVERWHELMING (e.g. look up book by RFK Jr, 2021, and papers by David Martin. See the paper below which summarizes the whole sordid affair).
Wuhan was just chosen to invoke plausible deniability when and if needed as in, like NOW!!
When are people going to let go of their CIA created fantasies...
So the ‘Great Reset’ is a fable, it had its uses for the Americanists, but it’s not worked.
The Great Reset on the other hand has its other use$ — it’s turning out to be a great money making venture for many of these “conservative” people. From videos, interviews, documentaries, crypto deals, to conferences (like the one in the picture with Bannon).
Other than that, the Great Reset is just a ruse like Qanon was, but this time poor conservatives can at least make some money out of it.
As as per the Telegram entry dated 17 September 2022, there will be NO Great Reset people!
Stop wasting your money on a gimmick.
Look at the real world and at what's actually happening on the ground in Ukraine, Russia, the Baltics, Armenia, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Taiwan. And HOW EUROPE AND AMERICA ARE BEING DECIMATED.
The Great Reset needs the American USD to give it its power. American USD is dying.
And there will be no Great Reset "after the war" 🤣
Some thinking will get you outta this ‘Q like ruse’.
It's #Qanon all over again in different clothes. It's the Q Reset....
Yes, this Great Reset thing is more of a Q Reset thing.
No, the next thing is easily predictable: It’s war!